Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My First "Official" Run

Well, here it is... Day 1. I worked up a schedule that consists of 10 minutes of walking, one minute of jogging, and an additional minute of walking, alternating. So, all in all... Walk 15, run 5. Of course, being my first day running since I was 10 years old, I made 3 minutes running and 17 walking.

I didn't realize how out of shape I am. When I went to college (SVU) I would work out for about 3 hours a day. Since then, I would do a few work-outs here and there, but nothing serious. I guess I have more work to do than I thought. I decided to incorporate a little yoga on my days off of running, to try and give myself a little more flexibility and therefore making my runs easier.

I bought myself a brand new pair of running shoes, and I am so excited about them! I went to the New Balance store and got fitted for a pair of running shoes that would work for my feet. (I have always had bad feet since I am missing a tendon in my foot.) They are incredible, to say the least! I also purchased a pedometer that records strides, distance, and calories burned.

And, before I close and leave for work... I want to mention that there is a deeper meaning behind this run. I don't just want to get in shape... and I'm not doing it to lose weight, though that would be an additional bonus. I am doing it to feel better about myself, but the main reason is for Saralyn. She inspired me in more ways than you can imagine... and I want to run for leukemia-- for her, and all of those who have suffered from this disease. So, in the end, when things get tough, I'll just as myself, "What would Saralyn do?" And if you knew her, she'd keep on pushing through.


  1. Anna! You are inspiring, and making me feel guilty for not running like I know I should :) Love you!!

  2. Awesome! I think that is a great first day back! You should be proud, and you ARE inspiring!

    Also, good running shoes make the WORLD of difference! I got myself fitted for a pair for the first time not too long ago, and it was like I was walking on air! Hooray for nice shoes!

    And, doing this for Saralyn and leukimia is awesome. She was amazing, and you are too!
